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Very nice, i've been using piskel but this would be ideal to use with godot. I have a few ideas if you want to look into it.

* preview window of animation sprite that can be scaled up/down, and play independently of the frames at the bottom (playing automatically at 12fps when program is started)

* moving the frames closer to the canvas layer window

* have up to 4  texture buttons for the brush sizes, optional textedit for larger values

* compare with Piskel, have the +, -, and clone keys embedded in the frame you have active.

* move the loop/playforward to bottom, bringing the + - CL keys closer to frames

* a checkbox to show/hide the onionskin

* up to 4 texturebuttons for onionskin, with optional edit box if you need more onion flavor

* more defined border around the line of frames at the bottom.

* hotkeys for the button 'frames' +,-,CL, etc .  playing with the source, I added Z to create a new frame, X to delete a frame, and C to clone it