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Fun game! I liked the mechanic concept and feel there is so much room for puzzle variety with it. The mini plot was fun and left some intrigue. There were definitely some awkward collision issues with the platforms where I couldn't crawl over a small hump that I probably should have been with the "creature." I also think using buttons to switch might have been a bit more natural then having to click the different characters you could take over, but it was pretty minimal. Decent sound design and ambience!  Good work!

Thanks for the feedback! It's really helpful. I'm aware of the collision issues, but I thought that I fixed all of them. I'll look for them and upload a fixed version today. The button idea is pretty interesting; can you explain it a bit more? Do you mean that users should be able to switch by directly clicking on characters? Or is it about reducing the number of buttons?

Oh, I think I got it. You're talking about binding character switching to the keyboard buttons, right? It's a pretty cool idea! I'm not sure if such changes are allowed after submission or not, but if they are, I'll add it.

yeah, that! I THINK that would be within the rules of the post-submission parameters, but I would definitely double check with someone before doing it lol

Yep, the owner said that it's fine. Added :)