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I'm getting OhioFPS flashbacks. I found this to be really quite fun, and the music perfectly matches (IMHO). It brought me back to the age of 10, playing Minecraft Parkour. The only bugs I noticed were that the flipping dimensions at the beginning was BROKEN and that I could go backward through the portal; all in all, that's not that bad, though. I'm not sure if you can call two levels stacked on top of each other "worlds" or "universes", but they are definitely parallel, so... fair game. 

To be honest, I was expecting a more critical review, so I'm surprised and glad you found fun through the jank.

WilliamV4 was the one who worked on the music and sound effects, so all credit goes to him.

We are aware of the numerous bugs, and we should have spent more time with the web port to make sure everything wasn't broken. If what you mentioned about the portal is what I think, the ability to go back to the previous level was intentional. Otherwise, it's probably another bug I have not encountered myself.

I also question whether the parallel platforms in this current version of the game is enough for it to fit the game jam's theme, but we had other ideas for how to incorporate the theme in other parts of the game; needless to say, those changes did not reach the version on this page.

Thanks for the comment, and (once again) I'm happy you found (at least part of) it quite enjoyable to play.

Please ignore the "switchted" typo.

Thanks for playing our game. We tried our best and hope you noticed a step up in quality and enjoyment. I felt like the 2 parallel levels stacked ontop of each other would be a novel approach, almost as if you could see the other parallel through the 4th dimension, but maybe it could've used more work.

the "T" in switchted is silent