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I think pb is right, 3d games aren’t super common, it’s always nice to see. Some room for improvement: would be nice to control the volume (it’s very loud), the tutorial ui stays on screen for quite some time, blocking view of the character. Graphics are pretty good, music is good, just some general programming practices. Good work nonetheless.


Thanks for playing!! Sound seems to have been the biggest complaint due to volume. Next time I'll be sure to add a volume bar. As for the UI blocking the character, what resolution do you play at? I noticed the UI giving me some trouble on different resolutions which I wasn't able to properly test.


Ah. That would be why. I'm not sure how to go about testing other resolutions since I don't have a high-end monitor, myself. Sorry about that, but thanks again!


you can sort of do a theoretical fix, on ready set the default game resolution to their viewport resolution to their monitor resolution and the mode to full screen, most problems should sort themselves out. also disallow resizing.

Great tip! Thank you!