Hey, no sweat, it's the only bug I ran into, so it's not that big of a deal even if you just let it be.
Also you don't need to justify height control, it's just a QoL feature, so please don't make the protagonist a robot - I love the relationship dynamic with the husband.
Sure, the husband is nameless, and yes, you can only express yourself to him through sexual acts and slices of stale pizza, but it's still a very sweet dynamic thanks to all his quips and reactions. This dynamic, together with the premise, really gives the game a personality, as opposed to the thousands of simulators of taking things apart.
And I really think you should consider eventually making this into a proper game you could sell for more than two bucks. You are seriously onto something here - the premise is eye-catching, the process is relaxing, the humor is good. Just improve on it a little and it will gain traction.