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Sorry for the confusion. I was referring to the game's access. With a large number of users playing simultaneously, sometimes our servers can become overloaded, resulting in temporary instabilities. We're working to resolve this as quickly as possible.

Why non-multiplayer game even requires server?


The AI needs a server to run from. Your PC wouldn’t be able to run the AI.


Depends on what we consider "AI".

That's right, Supernova3701. When a player talks to one of our characters, a request is sent to our server, which handles that conversation. That's when the AI kicks in to respond to you in a natural and personalized way (similar to "ChatGPT" but in a more fun manner). It's quite a technical topic regarding how the web operates, but essentially, today's browsers aren't capable of generating responses as realistically as our servers. Someday, we might publish a devlog discussing the matter in more detail.