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I don't play many point-and-click games, but without a doubt the gloomy and surreal atmosphere of this game has left me quite amazed and satisfied.

Visually the work is beautiful and grotesque in equal measure, with a strange combination of body horror along with what seems like an ordinary walk and encountering relatively normal people... at least at first glance.

The fact that everything is a dream adds a bit of intrigue as to why we see what we see, after all it is said that dreams are built with what we see, live and imagine. It makes me think of accidents or maybe someone has had an operation recently, although then there's the fact that it seems like you can get stuck in the dream if you take the wrong path. Is that scenario of seeing the ceiling with the fan spinning a dream? inside a dream?

In the end, like everything in dreams, it is usually quite subjective, but that is what is fascinating about this type of game. A disturbing experience that more people should know about.