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I wouldn't have been so cruel as to have you restart on death! The health points are supposed to be save points as well, but when I couldn't get the save system working, god mode got left on on accident for the final export. Those particular visual bugs are unusual, I haven't seen anything like that. I'm wondering if an enemy somehow stuck to you, but it should have moved away relatively quickly so I wonder if maybe they are some sort of incompatibility with the gfx. I'm still glad it was somehow playable though, so I appreciate you giving it a go!

Ah, restarting at the latest health point wouldn't have been too bad =).

For the visual bug, at first I thought it might be an enemy, as the first time it seemed like it was right when I walked over a corpse (that maybe came back right when I stepped on it?) but it didn't seem tightly correlated, and there was no enemy anywhere nearby when I escaped the bug.