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Fat Bits Navigation

A topic by hseiken created 47 days ago Views: 72 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 2

Sorry for two posts tonight, but I'm curious is there a way to scroll in fat bits mode?  I found a shortcut to click for fat/non fat views, but staying in fat bit and and scrolling would be swell, I'm just not finding the special key/mouse combo!


I'm not sure if there are other options but arrow keys do seem to work to move around a small area.

I tend to 'zoom out' and then back in somewhere else if I need to move farther than that.

 It's always a good thing to see new posts in here, and I hope your project is going well!


If you hold "shift" while using the arrow keys you can also move in increments of the grid size (16x16 by default)


Oooh, that's useful. Thank you!