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Although, I almost wonder and want to ask if players are only going to see the other characters who appear later on after the choices are made before, during, and after all the text that you post beforehand leading it up to how we interact with the characters that are available so far, or will you perhaps make this game similar to the ones you've done before such as and then have something more added to it later on like say for instance background(s), environment(s), NPC's, more choices and freedom to go where we want to go in the area where the player is currently at plus a better look at the MC we're playing as such as a complete body viewpoint/perspective of how they look, or will there also be an option to create our own character outside of playing as the cat that is only if you have any plans to do that for this project as well as your other one before this as well (a.k.a. in any shape or form of course?