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I was really drawn in by the idea of the story. Your storytelling is great to me. It flows smoothly and is very easy to visualize. Big points for that. I did feel that the end left me wanting to see more of a climactic moment with the consequences at least partially seen.  I did feel the thematic part for the jam was a little light and I would like to know a little more as to why the robots or the elites were performing these horrific acts. Keep up the good work as the flow is very pleasant to keep my mind engaged.

Hi. I'm glad you liked the story.

The events in the story take place during an important part of Grimdark Future lore. If you're interested you can see more on that specific part I made a little Lore video. I'll  link it for you incase you are interested.

I could have spent more time explaining the robots but firstly the word limit held me back and secondly the theme was Consequences... So I wanted to focus on the consequences of the High Elves actions, and rise of the Robot Legions, in making the Dark Elves.

I hope that explains the choices I made. What do you think?