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Thanks for sharing this, I have been looking for this solution for a long time. I would like to ask, how can I move the setting to the saves page? Like this

in your screens.rpy search for -->  screen file_slots  <--

make the changes as shown in the image below for something similar (close, but not really) to the image you provided (what game is that from ?)

its from "Eternum"

I'll take a look at their code...

Thanks! let me know if you find something :)

only minor changes (and they changed the image for their check box gui/button/check_foreground.png and check box gui/button/check_selected_foreground.png)

formatting may not be correct for the code below (follow formatting from image above)

            ## BadMustard's code Start (third section)
                style_prefix "check"
                if persistent.saveName:
                    textbutton _("Save naming enabled") action [ToggleVariable("persistent.saveName"), SetVariable("store.save_name", "")]

                    textbutton _("Save naming disabled") action [ToggleVariable("persistent.saveName"), SetVariable("store.save_name", "Un-Named")] #sets a default name, change as required
                align (0.9, -0.15) #adjust this as required for positioning
                xsize 435
            ## BadMustard's code Stop

Yes it works, thank you for your help!

you're welcome

good luck with your project