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A member registered Dec 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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you're welcome

good luck with your project

only minor changes (and they changed the image for their check box gui/button/check_foreground.png and check box gui/button/check_selected_foreground.png)

formatting may not be correct for the code below (follow formatting from image above)

            ## BadMustard's code Start (third section)
                style_prefix "check"
                if persistent.saveName:
                    textbutton _("Save naming enabled") action [ToggleVariable("persistent.saveName"), SetVariable("store.save_name", "")]

                    textbutton _("Save naming disabled") action [ToggleVariable("persistent.saveName"), SetVariable("store.save_name", "Un-Named")] #sets a default name, change as required
                align (0.9, -0.15) #adjust this as required for positioning
                xsize 435
            ## BadMustard's code Stop

I'll take a look at their code...

in your screens.rpy search for -->  screen file_slots  <--

make the changes as shown in the image below for something similar (close, but not really) to the image you provided (what game is that from ?)

This one (will be updated next week Monday)

I am just finishing up an update on my other VN, I will back working on this one by next month!

I will be back working on Almost Dead 1 week after the release

screen gallery_closeup(images)

the image link is in the variable images that is being passed to the gallery_closeup

you could add another button to pass that to a variable that you could use for your background

you're welcome

good luck with your project

you could just show the image again there, it won't affect anything or check in they are in a replay and show the image again like this

if _in_replay:
     show image1


just so you know if you sell your VN on steam you will have to sell it here on itch (Steam doesn't like competition)

yes it is possible and should be quite easy

you're welcome

good luck with your project

you could set up an if statement to check the variable gallery_page and display text base off of that, or if each page is for a specific chapter i.e. page 1 is chapter 1, page 2 is chapter 2; then

    $ chap = gallery_page + 1
    label "Chapter [chap]"

keep in mind gallery_page is 0 through (however many pages you have) and you must have 6 images only for the chapter .

take a look at this modified gallery.rpy file.

 in testing I reduced the size of the gallery thumbnails to 288x162 and put a frame around the thumbnails and buttons to shrink it
I tested with a 1280x720 gui so you may have to adjust the size of the grid and the thumbnails / lock image to find a good fit for your gui size

yes it can quite easily. grab this copy of the gallery_setup.rpy and use it

if you have already edited your gallery_setup.rpy be sure to copy over the changes you have made to this one before overwriting yours.

I chose a separate folder for the individual lock images, but you can combine them with the thumbnails (or anywhere really) just be sure to point to them correctly in the gallery_setup.rpy file

what kind of exterior HDRI are you searching for?

have you tried looking here?

in the   screen savegameName(accept=NullAction()):

this line 

        input size 40 color gui.hover_color default store.save_name changed Namer length 22 allow allowedChars:

limits the input length to 22 characters (adjust as required for your use)

there is no Chinese translation 

you're welcome

please leave it up that is acceptable, thank you.  光栄です

good luck with your project

Sometimes minor changes in the script and upgrades to renpy itself can break saved games. Sorry.

yes there are some simple animations. no plans for a soundtrack

I have written up to chapter 20 (well half of a chapter 20) so far.

Popeye was a sage in his time.

yes the next chapter is 10 (not binary)

as a writer, I have been given a creetive lyesins...

I might be trying to annoy people :D

but it's fixed now

do you have discord or use reddit? 
contact me on my discord

or at the renpy reddit

Chapter 15 has not yet been released, those are just the development logs about the progress on the new release, they only have the download for the latest release(currently only Chapter14).

Chapter 15 should be out after the new year.

you can if you want to, i don't mind.

you're welcome

yes, define your gallery image like this example:

image img1 = (Movie(channel="movie_dp", play = "images/movies/chapter1-1.webm"))

good luck with your project

that is the plan for the holidays!!

uuuugghhhh nasty boxes

I have a smoked turkey coming for dinner with a bunch of side dishes on the 23rd

Sorry, it will only delay the final release of chapter 15.

So far, I have up to chapter 19 (well, about half of it) written and waiting for the images and code

I was rendering images for my other VN 2Sides, now that it is released I will be back rendering images for chapter 15 of Almost Dead

I will start rendering the images for it next week