I felt like I gave this a good go, I didn't see a win condition but got 5 anomalies on both attempts using all tools. I like all the tools although, they all kinda do the same thing with slightly different ranges. As it works out,, you kinda go around every setting about 4 times minimum and still might miss an anomaly. idk, maybe I am just bad.
Something nice would be a counter to know how many anomalies are left to find, just for gameplay reasons.
I think the compass probably shouldnt point arbitrarily east when it isnt in range of anything, I'd suggest either a different colour or to have it constantly rotating.
I like all the lore stuff and think its a solid prop hunt in a solid setting, although when there are 20 books and your thing is lit the fuck up, there is a thought that the dev is trolling.
congrats on the release.