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Definitely one of the more brutal stories I've read so far here! This gives great "apocalypse is happening" energy. The fleeing civilians, the traffic jam, and the military over-reaction all give War of the World vibes, which I love.

I'm not sure how I feel about the first person though. I think it tricks writers into telling, rather than showing some information. "my world narrowing to the sight of her lifeless eyes" rather than "my vision narrowed - her lifeless eyes stared into mine" or something like that. That being said, you did a great job of avoiding some of the repetition that tends to plague first person writing!

Overall, excellent story and a great look at the Robot Legion and Elf relationship in the lore!

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.

I agree with you about first person perspective and I talked about that in the discord. I’m not really a fan of writing in first person, as it always feels a bit “cheesey” to me. But I wanted the reader to emphasize with the protagonist, before I destroyed their life 😈, and with the limited word count it seemed like a good technique to do that.