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This demo is a great little start for what could turn out to be a really big idea!

Think Papers, Please except you're a pharmacist in hell... as the title suggests! A varying array of interesting-looking patients pop into your little dispensary with their prescriptions listing their ailments and you have to whack together a cure for them, all within a time limit.

Yup, it's as simple as that, and also incredibly addictive! If you've got a better memory and a knack for details than me (which isn't too hard to achieve), I'm sure you can show this game who's boss!

I highly recommend this game and do hereby forfeit my soul for the betterment of demon healthcare. So get this demo downloaded, and then wait patiently to see the full game in the future (if there is indeed a god as well as the fiend who runs this pharmacy).

Keep up the awesome work devs, had a lot of fun with this one =)