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awesome vfx, the whole game gives off Ghostwire vibes — nice job! there’s a decent amount of cool mechanics here, although it’s spread a bit thin. the combat felt rather basic, and started getting repetitive towards the end. the parkour was more interesting, but the level design didn’t really push the mechanics to their limit. also, some sections of the world felt pretty samey — I even thought I was going the wrong way (backwards) after the second combat section, because I kept recognizing the obstacles.

the combat and parkour sections are very segregated, it’s a stop-and-go kind of experience with two completely isolated mechanics. and in my opinion, it could have been a lot more challenging, with longer sections of parkour requiring chaining moves together, plus combat interspersed with the parkour (and vice versa).

overall, really solid entry with lots of cool ideas, just a bit undercooked.


Hi there, Thank you very much for try out the game just saw your comment, your review lines up perfectly with how much time was spent working on each part, this was my first game jam so time management and over scoping really got the hang of me  lol.