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(1 edit)

Im curious as to why the end date wont expand past 1933 into 1936, i would like this change as in most games you will end the playthrough just hanging on for dear life, and I would be interested in rebuilding democracy after the fact and fixing the politics of the nation.


My guess is that its just complicated enough as it is to make the game with the focus on the immediate crisis and hanging on for dear life (which itself is a massive accomplishment and difference compared to real life), and that expanding it to go that far into the future and into all the different ways (depending on how you do things in 1928-1933) to rebuild and strengthen democracy, would just be beyond the scope of what the author wants to do and how much effort to put into it. Remember that with branching choice games, the further you go, the more effort it takes to expand on branching choices, plus with matters of alternate history, the further you go from the starting point, the more you need to rely on mere speculation rather than responding off of concrete real-life historical events and factors


Yeah this, basically~