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Great concept! I’m not so sure what the clock you switch the time is for. It feels like I’m just going to a random time, inserting the card, pressing the microphone button, and then I either get it or don’t because of something I had no idea about.

Hello! Thank you for playing!

Each customer card has an "incident time" — this is the time when the customer had an accident. Your task is to call before this time and warn the customer. In fact, if the customer's incident time is 10:00, you should call at 09:45 or earlier. If you call later, it means that the incident has already happened and you can't change anything.

In some cards, you just need to call earlier, while others may have additional conditions — the main thing is to pay attention to the details in the description.

We still have a lot of ideas that will improve the gameplay and puzzles, and I think we will release an update to the game after some time. So stay tuned!