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This game is fantastic and I'm blown by production quality. I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it. The thing I would suggest is having an option to at least display xbox button prompts, they currently don't resemble any controller so it's also hard to figure what buttons I should press mid action when button prompts appear. Also key rebinds for controller, as much as I try my brain can't switch from Light attack not being on square (playstation) lol

Also maybe adjust the the difficulty for single player or add mid level checkpoints, couldn't beat stage 2 on heaven 4 times and it get's annoying replaying the same areas over and over to get to the boss where I failed. Also the mini boss in the beginning of chapter 2 is annoying because it's hard to get them, due to their slow speed projectiles protecting them.

Otherwise absolutely love how different all the characters are, from playstyles to animations to designs