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AlphaBetaGamer sent me here. Didn't get to play it myself yet, but just from the aesthetics, I really like what I'm seeing! Looking forward to seeing how this game will shape up.

As a side note, do you have a Discord server? I don't log into Twitter or often and I think most people would prefer following your game on Discord. Though, maybe I'm in the minority here.


Glad you like what you see. ;)

I guess I could look into getting a discord server, I'm not that into how all that will work but I'll add it to the list.

If/when there is one available I'll be writing about it in a devlog / twitter and adding the link here to the main page.

And if there is a good way to post stuff like devlogs on said discord server, I will be starting to post the devlogs there as well.

Thanks for the feedback. :)

Yeah, Discord makes it very easy to share this kind of stuff. Most of the groups I joined (some of them Kickstarters) usually have a channel dedicated to announcements, where only the admins can post. So you know, if you ever make the jump, you can just share your links in a dedicated channel.

Okay, well, I'll try to get one set up at some point. :)

I'll post the link at said places when it is up.

Awesome! I'll be sure to join if/when it's up.