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(2 edits)

EDIT: this comment is way more negative than it should have been... I won't delete it, but, please don't see this comment as some kind of insult :(

EDIT2: actually, yes, I'll delete the negative parts. Let's focus on the positive stuff!

I had fun exploring the level, and trying to find all of the notes. One of them is especially not obvious to find, which is a good thing I think :)

The props look great, and I really like the presentation.


The theme is the main game mechanic, I can't understand why you don't notice it. The mechanic of switching time between periods where there are some solid platforms that are "invisible" in the other period. I'm sorry, but I really don't understand your point. Thanks for your feedback though. But you're right, the physics are glitchy. This is only my second jam game, so I'm not that experienced.

I'd like to sincerely apologize... It seems like the comment I made about your game had a really negative impact on you, and that makes me really sad. This jam's about having fun. I think it's awesome that people take time and effort to create their own games, no matter who they are. When I wrote my comment about your game, my goal was to make you happy to see that others are trying out your game. There's no doubt that I messed up... Whenever something comes out of my mouth, I always end up hurting people in some way, and I feel really bad for it. I hope that you will be able to focus on the positive things, despite my mistake, because I'm genuinely thankful that I got to play your game and I hope you make more in the future.

Thank you, but you were absolutely right about some aspects. You're right, let's focus on the positive.