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(2 edits)

Did you purchase it or is it the free version? 0.1.4 is the free version and 0.1.5 is the paid version, so... if you're using the free version, it was and still is 0.1.4.

Though, I'm on 0.1.4 and there seems to be almost nothing to do and I haven't found that scene at all, so my impression is that either you were on 0.1.5 from the beginning, or it's very difficult to find... EDIT: Ok, just very difficult to find. And also very much the wrong resolution. Cannot read the options.

Could you specify which scene it was? We'll look into that and see what's going on with the scene and the resolution.

The scenes when talking to the cobra in his office. The entire text box is squished together.

I've also noticed that with some of the text boxes with shorter text, they're all readable, but your cursor can be outside the text box and an option is considered selected. I assumed maybe it just selects the first option by default, but that could also be a resolution issue, if the selection box is not the same size or location as the text.

Okay! We'll look into that problem. Thank you very much for the feedbacks!