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Good stuff!
I remember coming across the game on the Ace Combat subreddit some time ago but couldn't get a feel for the controls .

Still took some time to get use to it since it's pretty different from AC and PW with the whole throttle and double tapping keys to change the plane's speed, but it feels pretty good when you do get used to it.

The core gameplay is pretty solid already! The one thing I thought could be improved would be the missile switching, since you can have several missile types equipped at once it can be a bit tedious to only go through them one by one with one key when you need to switch.
It'd be nice to have the ability to bind equipped missiles to d-pad directions, so tapping one direction instantly switches to a specific missile rather then having to cycle through them.

(1 edit)

Hey buddy, thanks for trying! I tried to differentiate ASE a little bit from AC with the throttle - you're supposed to stay in the ACM window for dogfighting and general combat which is why the throttle is manually set, but you can play it perfectly fine AC style by double tap-and-holding the throttle keys.

Regarding the missile switching, unfortunately the D-pad is reserved for an upcoming mechanic, but I'm thinking of actually limiting weapon selection to 3 selectable options for a future balance pass. I think this would hopefully strike a balance between the multi-weapon loadout people want, and encouraging players to try out different planes. Hopefully this will also make swapping weapons a little less tedious too, but I guess we'll see how it's received.