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(1 edit)

Is sleeping in the bed supposed to automatically overwrite my last saved file?  That seems wrong for an autosave to overwrite a manual save.

edit: After playing more, it seems like there's a bug where the entire autosave feature hijacks my last manual save.  Going to the inn management screen then back to the front desk also overwrote my last manual save.

Unfortunately, with how the system works, it needs to overwrite the save in the current save slot every night. When you sleep, the game updates the inn (guests in and guests out) and saves it. If the VN systems didn’t save as well, it would cause the two systems to desync whenever you loaded a game that was a past day.

I’ll put a text notification to let players know it will save on overnights. 

The best way to preserve a manual save is to make sure you save into another save slot to be sure your previous save slot stays untouched.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll just have to rotate my save slots more to compensate.  I really like the new inn management system so I'm looking forward to how it ends up in the future.

It's just confusing having different systems autosave different ways, since I didn't notice the VN dialogue autosave overwriting my manual saves.  Or maybe I just didn't notice.