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(5 edits) (+5)

Game is finished but needs updates for game-breaking glitches. For example, i went into dungeon 1 without potions. First enemy died in 2 hits, second in 3, third in 4. Raven mentions them getting stronger. Boss shows up and kills me. Now every time i enter i cannot win even with potions because every enemy has the boss' stats and HP and each gets stronger. Any losses restarts the dungeon but the stats carry over so enemy 1 will have 8 hits to die, for example (with my earth at 4). Tried to load my last save but all autosaves it made were in my last attempt and i had saved over my manual save farming potion materials. So, i decided to see if running would fix the issue and reset the coding. Running causes the game to crash page and then clicking anything on the crash log closes the game out, so I had to restart fresh.

Sometimes menus just disappear completely so I cannot navigate off the area i am on (this primarily happens at Ashon Plains. I can enter the ranch and then leave to fix it but otherwise I have no way to move to another area as the buttons for Tale and Ashon City vanish.

Tentacle monster states it will have sex scenes in future updates when you try to boff it.

Several other tiny issues here and there as well. Game could def do with a QoL update so you can see requirements to wear (or undress) clothing as well as his of where outfit parts are gotten. Especially the cat outfit.