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I have so much love for Archie Sonic! I'm glad you like this. There's another version coming up based on your MHR clone with a whole sourcebook. Still in playtesting though.

Archie Sonic is so underappreciated! Flynn's run is so good, and it's such a shame that Bollers, DeCesare, and others get slept on too. Terry Austin's inks, Yardley's development from issue 160 to IDW Sonic #1, and how far everybody pushed the Sonic lore and story.

I write and draw a webcomic continuing the story over here, if you want to check it out:

There was a lot here that took me by surprise.

First off, I didn't know anyone else was doing a Sonic Archie continuation. I was following another one:

That's amazing. I absolutely adore this passion. I hate copyright law. I believe characters and stories belong to their creators and their fans and the world. The passion you have to continue this legacy is inspiring to me. It's exactly how I think the world of art should work. Archie Sonic is the longest running video game comic of all time and has a rich lore and identity all its own. It's way past cool and its just amazing that you are all trying to keep it alive.

Personally, I am a big fan of Ian Flynn's era on Archie and IDW. I just gel well with his writing style and interpretation. Not sure what your favorite era was.

Secondly, I went bug eyed when you said you were making one based on my retroclone. That makes me so excited. I absolutely can't wait to see it.