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Apologies, I made the page public now! -_-'

Yes, we were careful to use the escaped quotes for text within the localizable portion.

We also used heavily the breakline \n to improve readability. The preview tool gave no sign it was forbidden, but I wonder if that's the root of the problem? We didn't do any other "crazy" changes, after all.


linebreaks are not a problem of themselves, but it's possible that you made a bad one somewhere; the Sellaroli tool does say that linebreaks confuse it so it may be your error happens after a linebreak!


Don’t forget you’ll have to escape line breaks, too! Don’t use actual line breaks in your translation. Use \n instead. (Unless you added a filter doing that replacement for you.)

Thank you both for your replies!

I confirm we used \n.

In the end, we managed to upload a  working version containing an updated translation.

Probably, there was some minor error in the code that got ironed out...