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(4 edits) (+1)

I didn't find out.

Loved the concept and while my time with the game was mostly positive, it had some rough edges.

The fact that there is barely no sound in this game is kind of a missed opportunity to make dealing with the angler more bearable.
As it is right now, angler apperaring seems to depend on the amount of time that you use your light and it is really hard to determine how much time it is before the next time angler appears.
That is a problem because covers for camouflage are rather scarce and are mostly at the dead ends.
It would be really great if the angler was giving some kind of audio cue or something and if you had an opportunity to hide even without cover.
Maybe if there was a very hard button sequence to hide in plain sight or if there were simply more cover spaces.


I am happy that you were able to play our game! We really appreciate your feedback as these are valid criticisms and are looking to fix these issues in an update.

We did implement a small audio cue that plays when the angler fish is near but it is a subtle change in the audio which may not be noticeable to players so we will definitely consider modifying the audio cue.