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I think the most immediate "issue" that stuck out to me was the punishmentality that the game had, if you died after a good couple minutes of struggling against some mini-boss or after doing some farming, then whoops, you're gonna have to grind back the high order that is this curse or else all of your money is gone.

I get what the game is going for; more incentive to not die, but it just kinda infuriated me and it's really easy to give up and just stop playing the game after a death.

There's a few other issues: you can attack enemies from below, the counter attack doesn't work, but the most important issue (imo) is the arbitrary difficulty.

but, other than that, INCREDIBLY solid game, very satisfying combat, just all over pretty polished.

Also had this lock on me, for...some reason



Thanks for your feedback! a new version has been uploaded. :)