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Nice audio, I felt polished even tho the clicks were sometimes bugged as in that it wasn't hitting the fish i was aiming at and instead was just like shooting through it??? That was a minor bug tho and didn't effect the gameplay to much, the death screen was a nice "jumpscare"  for me since i had my sound why loud because of the pumping music. I can confirm that their are fish. It also weirdly reminds me of my game. I liked the variaty in fishes. I think the only real missing piece was a penalty for just holding left mouse down the whole time.  I liked it and got to round 13 before they just went to fast.

Thanks for the feedback! I didn't really know what to do for penalties but I guess I could add an ammo limit and you can buy more ammo at the shop. I'm planning to (someday) do a big update where I add more variety and guns and stuff so maybe I could add an ammo limit. Thanks for commenting :)