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Really good, fast and enjoyable! 

I checked around for 2 minutes, starting seeing clues and understanding them at 5 minutes and then solved it! Zodiac signs are understandable and well pointed. My only concern: I get the item duplicated in my inventory if I click them fast enough. Check on that!

Also, the initial letter is good but the typography is maybe hard to read, it was at least a bit hard for me.

I loved this, the music was also really good, great job!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game, and thank you for the feedback. I was a little on the fence about that font for the letter as I was making the game, I will have to be more mindful of legibility in the future. Spamming clicks is always something I forget to test for in my projects, haha, I've had it come back to haunt me enough times you'd think I'd remember by now. I guess I need to put a post it on my monitor or something. I will look into fixing the issue.

Thank you again for your kind words.