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(1 edit)

I think I saw everything there is to see (even the lol, k). Story is good, and original and relatable in a weird way.  I liked the cutscene art. Concept is good. There were a lot of grammatical errors in the text, and some things that were kind of weird like how you have to run to the right then back left to grab the bucket then back right again, which isn't great for a second playthrough (especially since a second one is encouraged to see the other ending.) Also the bucket grab is on Z but every other interact is X? The music I get is trying to set a mood, and it does, but also it kind of sounds like random notes on a not long loop. The fridge says its empty but the sprite has stuff in it! Just a lot of little gripes but I think they matter when the game presents itself as a short interactive novel experience.  

Thanks for the detailed feedback! 

Yes, sadly, English is not my mother language, and honestly, I wasn't expecting any grammar errors. But thank you a lot for pointing them out. I see that bucket wasn't really encouraging, yeah, honestly. You are pretty right; I kind of joined this jam when 5 days were left, and honestly, I started Game Maker 2 months ago and have never done a track in my life, so thanks for reminding me of the awful music. XD encourages me to improve in that regard, but I'll definitely try to get better.

Overall, I took notes of your detailed feedback; I'll gotta to use those for my next jam entry! Thank you, and have a nice day, mwah!