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It was not easy to understand what was going on. I fought some battles, then an enemy fish wiped out my party before I got to take a turn doing over 1,000 damage to each (max hp were like 150 or so), Game could be fun with better tutorial explanation and some game balancing.

(1 edit)

ye, the tutorial wasn't fully implemented and the late game bosses and the early game enemy's are in the same pool due to time constraints, I thought making late game stuff more rare would solve it, 1 unlucky run later and I've realized my mistake lol, next update I will make things more fair dividing up the enemy's in 3 tiers and one final one to allow you to win without losing (you gotta win at least 10 times and then lose 3 times to challenge the fish keeper), graphical update would also be nice, the art for this game isn't my best, thanks for the feedback