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Comfy golf, with clear sprites and fitting music. The idea of the treadmills slowing down for the putt, and then speeding up was a great mechanic. Controls were simple and easy to use.

I did get stuck endlessly on one. The ball kept going back and forth and had to restart which was a little frustrating. But it's 48 hours, bugs are expected!


For fix - it's where the ball is half on a treadmill, half off, hitting a wall.


I know exactly the bug you're talking about. It's not very common so I never found out about it until I accidentally had it happen a day after submissions. May fix it later if I remember to. Thanks for trying out the game 

I swear it's always those bugs. I handed my game to a friend just before sending it off and he broke it immediately. I had never encountered what he immediately found :')