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Well I never made it to the end, but I mostly enjoyed what I played. I saw on the game page that this is unfinished, which is unfortunate because its a nice idea!

The pseudo pixel/low poly art is nice, and the interactions mostly worked but I noticed a couple bugs. Like sometimes a cooking level bar would be left on the stove even after picking up the food.

I did find the game flow in its current state to be a bit too frantic honestly, because there are points where it feels like my character just can't physically move fast enough. I think this could be improved by having the player teleport up/down stairs by moving into them, rather than having to turn and interact.

I also think the audio cues for the black holes need to be more prominent, because I feel like I barely notice them over the sound of the cooking food and just the background ambience.

There's a solid concept in here, it's just buried under some clunk mechanics.

Good work on submitting though, not everyone can say that!