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(2 edits) (+1)

Very cool. Even though I predicted the ending way before it happened, it was still fun. That's saying something. I'm a bit creeped out because of the "I'm not done with you" part- my computer screen is glitching out as I type this review. Better not be malware is all I'm saying lol. I also got stuck at the gate thinking it was crashing, and it took me a bit to check the comments section for the solution, so you might want to put something in the description to let people know they have to click the text to progress. I also liked the Trash? button lol.



Thanks for playing!

Glad you predicted the game's ending, it's always interesting to see how much people believe what the game shows, especially since the game lies to you right away in the "warning". Although I wouldn't believe if you'd say you predicted the ending monster or its appearance :D

No malware, don't worry.

Yeah the fence part isn't perfect, I should probably do a little guide for it.

Thanks again!


*Spoilers ahead, skip comment if you haven't played yet* 

Oh yeah I definitely didn't predict its appearance or anything specific, I just recognized the fact that I was being lured and the person on the radio was probably not to be trusted/fake...due to foreshadowing, of course- I assume you intentionally hinted at the truth with a few clues included along the way.

*End of spoilers*


Fair enough 😁