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This game sure likes crashing and making me hunt down the music process in task manager lol. Nothing is posting to the log file so I can't help you I'm playing on the exe.

The music when everything switches to fire is really cool though. It's also cool that everything goes through seasons, apparently fire is a season? lol. The enemies are pretty cool, combat is kinda hard because you have to get so close and their attack speed is fast. I feel like you don't really need to fight the enemies and it kinda incentivizes you to just hide for 8 minutes. 8 minutes is a pretty long time, and you don't get rewarded for choosing combat. Maybe you could get health or powerups from killing the enemies? 

Anyways I beat it and got the credits screen. Again, beating a game is more rewarding if you give us something, like how many enemies we killed or something. Cool game


Thanks for your feedback!
Cool that you actually made it all the way through :D
Yeah, we have a whole system mapped out, you're supposed to have HP, a thirst and a hunger level -> need to hunt rabbits for food, get water for thirst (rabbits already drop a dead rabbit when killed and you can pick it up), and the changes between the elemental states (fire - neutral - ice) are supposed to be linked to the story and the progress of the game. We already designed assets for a bunch of things you could use as weapons and also med kits from the wreck to patch up your HP etc., but as we said in the description, this was made in less then 3 days, so unfortunately this is nothing more than a bare minimum to be able to do something in the game, but it's all we managed to implement in the shortened time frame.
Probably we focused too much on making neat animations and music for our ideas, when we hadn't yet implemented them code wise and then time just ran out on us in the end...well, lesson learned for the next one, I guess (: