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My entire request is as follows (line-by-line in Notepad++):

quest024 = {

code = '024',

questreq = true,

shortdescription = "Test Title",

description = 'Test Description. ',

reqs = [['sex', 'eq', 'female'], ['obed', 'gte', 50], ['beauty', 'gte', 60], ['char', 'gte', 20]],

reqstemp = [],

time = round(rand_range (20,40)),

reward = round(rand_range (175, 225))*10,

location = ['any'],

difficulty = 'medium'


I've compared it a good 20+ times to other quests but can't figure out the problem. 

['char', 'gte', 20]
I assume this should be 'charm'.

Char is charm, yes. I was going based on stats I saw in the other quests, which I could have sworn spelled it char. I'll change that and see if it fixes. 

That has fixed it, thanks! Figures it would be 1 letter that messed everything up x_x