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How do i delete a saved story because that i accidentaly click a few empty save slots, And is all around the places i'm a perfectionist and seeing them annoy me, Don't want to be roud or anything but could the team add a deleted button, Thanks ^^

Here's how to delete them manually. 

Renpy Engine has 2 separate locations  which it puts the save folders in   

The 1st one is in: 

 C:/Users/[you]/AppData/Roaming/itch/apps/[game]/[game again]/game/saves  

The 2nd one in:


 Renpy engine names the save files after the pages and slots respectively. So the 1st slot on the first page would start with (i forgot the rest of the naming scheme). Delete the ones you wish from both locations, and have fun!


If you're on Windows, Linux or Mac you just hover your cursor over the save slot you want to delete and press the "delete" button :) If you're on Android then you have to delete the saves from your save folder which is here:


Also, no "team" I'm afraid - it's just me developing the game ;P

I looked into adding a "delete" button to the saves, but the code is surprisingly complex and Android hates it so I'm still looking for an alternate solution.

I was looking into moving my saves to PC, is that possible? Not sure if the Android saves would be compatible with the Windows version of the game.

If not it might save me the headache of trying to find where Google hid my save data because the file path you mentioned for Android doesn't exist for me. I connected my phone to my desktop and File Explorer can't find anything with "corruptedkingdoms" in it when I search the Android folder either.

Thanks for the hard work dude, you are doing a great job for being a solo dev!


Yup, all saves are compatible across all devices and operating systems! :)

Android saves are located in:


However, Google fairly recently chose to hide the "data" folder for Android users, which is a huge pain in the butt for indie devs like myself. To get into it you'll need to use a third party app specifically designed for the purpose like Solid Explorer or X-Plore (though I recommend checking the internet for recommended apps - the validity of these things changes near-daily).


I'll try that then. I can find my data folder and the other "com.~~~~" folders, just not the one for CK. I'll do some looking into an app. Thanks!