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I am not sure how hard this would be but would it possible to release multiple belts with different functions?  It would be nice if instead of a blanket no orgasms belt it corresponded to their proper area instead.  So a chastity cage/belt would prevent a person from using their penis/vagina but still allow anal orgasms, while a full chastity belt blocks all orgasms.  It would allow some types or orgasms for the sake of mana.  That way it would be more like real life and allow a little more role playing. 

The orgasm blocking and chastity belt could probably be split into different things which would then give players more options. I was thinking something like this at first like with magical (orgasm blocking) and regular (non orgasm blocking) varieties.

I burnt myself out a bit doing version 1.0 and want to take a break for a few days, but if people are actually using or interested in this mod it would be good to add requests or improvements.