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A solid entry!

the game is really good i like how instead of creating rage in player while the game the player can take its rage out in the game.

if u plan to develop this game in future here are some improvements

1.The cat was able to go through some stuff(absence of collider?)

2.when we "meow" maybe the ower comes and pat us?

3. make the destroying a lil more satisfying.

Hey thanks for playing the game! I actually planned for the meow to be used to get the humans attention so you could lure them away from things you wanted to break but I wasn’t able to implement it in time. As for the collisions I originally had the cat collide with everything but found that colliding with breakable objects made the push mechanic obsolete as it was easier to run into them so I just turned off collision with them for the submission. I plan to work on the game some more after the jam is over to fix those problems.  Im glad you enjoyed the game and thanks for the feedback!