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timer is too short option to start the next round, a dash ability would be nice, and other then that some kind of way to rest status affects

Thank you for writing your thoughts!

In the future, more spells will be avaliable, giving you the option to learn from a pool of avaliable spells and equip the ones you already have into the four slots below. I plan on making spell combos possible (i.e. one spell setting up another one, or maybe increasing the following spell's damage.).

If the status effect that's giving you trouble is the 'gaping' one, drinking a red potion will help restore it a bit. Will write that on the potion's description at some point haha

As for the dash ability, I'll make sure to include a spell for it! Did you try the Spacebar roll for now? It's very helpful when you need to dodge attacks at the very last moment.


alright cool I appreciate the work you've done so far and ill try the roll out now other then cant wait for the next update