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This was really neat! I liked the creepy generated enemy art and the UI, you're much better at using AI in game dev than I am lol.

I found the combat could feel a little bit slow sometimes when waiting for multiple enemies to attack, but it wasn't too bad. I also found the difficulty was just about right for me, I never died, and whenever I seemed to run out of healing potions I had both characters at roughly full health and found more fairly quickly. Also, I should mention I like that the second character is kinda optional. Though from reading the comments it seems like other players had more difficulty with the game than I did. I also liked the final encounter, tbh it felt like the exact opposite of the ending to my entry 😂.

The variety of weapons and items was also nice. And I remember seeing the discussion on the discord about adding the flashing highlight around the ground items, and I think it works really well. I'm kinda surprised you were able to fit in the levelling and item restrictions, but maybe I just suck at making RPG systems.

Oh and I loved the little shortcuts and secrets strewn throughout the game, that's actually something I wish I had time to add to mine.

The only noticeable bug I found was sometimes I couldn't pick up potions of the same type I already had in my inventory. This seemed to happen when all the party inventory slots were filled, so maybe the inventory only checks slots and not stackables?

There's some other little things like some wall textures noticeably cut off, but for the most part it was surprisingly polished.

Great work!


Thank you for taking the time to play the game and write the feedback!

I looked it up and yepp, there is a bug in the inventory system if the inventory is full. Something to fix after the jam ^^. I will also invest time to polish the textures and make them more seamless, and also arrange the walls better ^^

I have also more balancing plans ^^.

And I can absolutely confirm that the state of "polishment" is surprising :D