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A great read once more, I felt like printing this and reading by the window. I guess this just really is my cup of tea :-)

It all looks great as always, and I like the human factor of skewed pages as you mentioned.

One thing that threw me off was the 8.8mm shell sprite. I considered it an oddly shaped torpedo or when stretching my imagination a looking glass maybe. Having something as large as a torpedo side by side with something as small as bullet just prevented the correct association for me, I think.

Thank you! Yes I agree about the shell. The problem is that respecting the scale would make the shell too small and unrecognizable. I may ditch the propellant case and have just a few projectiles side by side.  I’m sure this can be fixed. Thank you for the feedback.

Perhaps a sprite or silhouette of the deck gun itself would work best?

A silhouette of the gun would be very hard to make readable at that resolution. And then it poses the question of what do you do for the torpedoes? There has to be some consistency within the icon.