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(again vague spoilers for anyone else be warned) 

I was really curious about what you would think about this one in particular since I know that you've touched on anxiety quite a bit in your games in ways that I found EXTREMELY relatable. So now we can be....anxiety devs 🤝

AHH I'm really glad that it struck a chord with you, I mostly wrote it based off my own experience tbh dfgdf so a part of me wondered "Do other people think this way, or am I just crazy?" And actually that reaction is EXACTLY what I heard from one of my beta testers! I think that, when you've gone through similar things but have come out of it, it's easier to recognize what Geist is and push back against him. dfgdfgfdgd "I was pushing back against so many of my own inner thoughts" dfgdfg I'm so honored, I really DID want that to be the experience for people! And it's a process 💪 sometimes you can tell him to get lost, and sometimes you just want to lie in his cold, lifeless arms...I'm sure you have your own successes against him 💪 

I'M GLAD, I had a very clear "vision" of what Geist was, but I didn't really want to say it or give a definitive answer, since I think that he'll mean different things for different people based on your life experience. So I'm happy that his identity wasn't just painfully obtuse LOL

DFGDFGDFG THANK YOU I feel like I didn't really go "out of the box" with the presentation this time (gosh every time I pick up one of your games it seems like I'm screenshotting inspo), but I'm glad that you felt so immersed!! If nothing else...I want my games to be easy to read 😂 (AND DFGDF I only wish that I could reach OW levels of cinema...someday....)

I DID HAVE SO MUCH FUN WITH KALEI'S ANIMATIONS, I really went full "shoujo" with him and it made me want to make lighter-hearted games where I can add more shoujo effects...(I also want a friend like Kalei ngl). And DFGDFGD I WONT LIE originally geist was gonna be a real slimeball, a shut-in lookin dude, but then I thought, "but wait, wouldn't anxiety be kind of attractive actually? And charming?" and then I decided to go full British gentleman LOL and Shaun DELIVERED

ngl the embarrassment over your niche hobbies is pretty relatable to me too; there are a lot of interests that I won't bring up to people unless I've 100% confirmed "yes you are a comrade, you are also interested in this very niche thing..." And aww carrot 🥺 I'd say that I've gone a fairly similar route, but mostly because I was really desperate to connect/share my passions when I was younger, and nowadays I'm just like "my passions are my own, and I'll enjoy them solo..." I also barely bring up my game dev stuff to people RL (not in small part because over half of my games are yan games at this point LOL), so I'm really glad to have a kind community online to gush about this niche interest with 😭  y'all are my kalei...

AND DFGDFGDF YES I'M RESTING I'M OK (I MIGHT DO THE FULL VERSION OF TDW THIS MONTH BUT I'M OK) somehow I feel like I've been on a roll 😂 I was really burnt out after Karamu and tdw for some reason but MMM and Kanau have been good 🫡 if I stop I'll probably hibernate for half a year LOL

THANK YOU FOR LEAVING SUCH A THOUGHTFUL COMMENT I'm tearing up, I'm glad that it was good😭 (I was kinda worried about this one ngl..."what if everyone just finds it annoying?? or not what they were expecting??") And best of luck 💪 if you slap your Geist I'll slap mine 🤝