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AHH thank you so much for your thoughtful comment, I'm so touched! The VAs were simply FANTASTIC - they really sold the whole thing, imo! You hit the nail on the head with your analysis; I really wanted to describe how "toxic" your relationship with yourself can be - and how scary it can become.

Your comments on Kalei are interesting, and honestly I'm glad to hear them! He's a real ball of sunshine, but at the same time I wanted to portray him as not perfect. He tries his best but he doesn't really understand what the MC is going through, and his lack of understanding can be irritating/frustrating. On the other hand, Geist understands you COMPLETELY, which is why his words, as toxic as they are, are also understandable in a lot of ways. 

Thank you again for taking the time to leave a review; honestly "a game that makes you think a lot" is one of the BEST compliments that I've eve received on a project! I'm glad you enjoyed! :D