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Scratch is unfair

A topic by created 33 days ago Views: 138 Replies: 3
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I got banned by the ST for being a Christian and not agreeing with the sexual stuff they push on kids, can anyone help?


If you have been banned from Scratch, that is an issue you will need to take up with Scratch and their TOS.

If I do, I’ll get a perm ban, the ST is very cruel

I think you're misunderstanding something. According to the Scratch Wiki

On the Scratch Website, when a user is permanently banned, they must contact the Scratch Team to explain what they did and promise that they will behave properly in the future. Upon receiving the message, the Scratch Team may decide either to set the ban to expire (thus unbanning the user) or take no action. If the Scratch Team decides to take no action, then they will respond with a message saying why the user will not be unbanned.[3] In some cases, they will state that the banned user is not welcome back on Scratch and in that case is not allowed to submit any further appeals.[4]

You need to contact the Scratch Team to explain your situation. Here is a link to their contact form: