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Not sure at which step of the events you're at:

- You get an event when you talk with Trey at the sleeping chambers after using the teleport orb when the scene with f-Brad at the cavern of the enigmatic warlord is done.

- After the quest at Fürstenstein, you can do a race for a treasure, which also gives you a new CG scene afterwards.

- The CG scene is required to unlock a new dialog with one of Lady Purple's guys. (Also requires that you have married someone already.)

- This event will unlock a new wedding quest, and a new dialog with Tsiom when you finished all of her training with Brad and finished the fight between Brad and Grimace (regardless of the outcome).

- After the events with Tsiom, you can talk with Brad at the sleeping chambers to get a new dialog.
- The event will determine the future of Brad. One of the three choices will give you a dialog with Ash in Kagabangui, which leads to a new CG scene.

(If you took one of the other two choices in the dialog with Brad, the event and scene with Ash won't happen.)

I already had relations with Brad in his girl form (the scene is bonus scene 1) I am already married to Trey and I did the threesome scene with Ryen Trey and Brad.  I already did the race and got the treasure.  And I already did the tsiom ryen and Brad scene.  (and Brad and ash are in a relationship) I guess I have to do the final battle for the dialogue to appear.

I know what happened, the event where you help Brad to dicide is future is only activated after the mission (final battle) in the walkthrough PDF of the game that indication should come but it isn't, but anyway. Thanks for answering.