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Oh, it's not so much the reading that feels like homework! As I play other AVNs, I find myself dissecting their shot compositions, or their code, trying to figure out how they did things and use that knowledge to make Mythos better. 

Ah, I think I understand now. I was merely offering a possibly entertaining "brain vacation", but if it might make you pressure yourself regarding your own creation, I'd say skip it. As for technique -- including the sexytimes stuff -- I'd say yours serve your story very well, and you have nothing to fret about. For me, the best sexytimes content is actually also character content and relationship content. As in life, people will often reveal details of themselves, and their feelings for the other person, in intimate times that they might feel too self-conscious to speak of in other less "we're both literally and personally naked here together" moments (e.g look at Tammy in "Come Home". Hard as diamond, and very sexual, but she'll say I love you to the MC freely in the quiet, close moments). Because of this, I sometimes wish the Mythos intimate sequences were a bit longer to allow for a bit more obvious rapport and affection, but I *do* realize that you're writing a murder mystery here, so too much honest character revelation works against that. Okay, this post is officially far too long. Shutting up now. Best to you and yours. Be well!